1080p vs 4k: Which resolution should you choose for your monitor

June 20, 2022


Congratulations on deciding to upgrade your monitor! Whether it’s for gaming, work or simply for streaming movies, a high-resolution display can truly change your experience. However, with so many options available and technical terms making your head spin, having a few questions is commonplace. Here, we aim to compare two of the most popular monitor resolutions in the market, 1080p and 4k. We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each and help you decide which one suits your needs the best.

What’s the difference?

In simple terms, resolution defines the number of pixels present in your screen. The more pixels, the sharper and crisper the image will be. 1080p is a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels while 4k, also known as Ultra High Definition (UHD), is four times sharper than Full HD with a resolution of 3840x2160 pixels.

Which one is better for gaming?

If you are a gamer, there are two things to consider: the graphical demands of the games you play and the capability of your graphics card to handle the high-resolution output of your monitor. While 4k resolution can give you a more immersive gaming experience, it requires a high-end graphics card to handle the high frame rates that come with it. On the other hand, 1080p is widely supported and less demanding, making it an easy choice for most gamers.

According to a study by Wepc.com, a 1080p resolution is preferred for games played on monitors up to 24 inches in size, whereas, beyond that, a 1440p or 4k resolution offers better detail and color. However, with 1440p lying between 1080p and 4k, it might be a cost-effective alternative for gamers who want the best of both worlds.

What about image quality?

You’ll see an immediate improvement in image quality as you upgrade to a 4k resolution monitor. With four times as many pixels as a 1080p resolution, 4k offers sharper details, more vibrant colors, and a wider range of contrasts. However, bear in mind that the human eye has its limitations, and you may be fine with 1080p if you sit at a considerable distance from your screen.

What about price?

One of the main reasons people opt for 1080p resolution monitors is due to cost. While 4k monitors offer better resolution, they come with a hefty price tag. If you’re on a tight budget or don't require a high-resolution display, a 1080p monitor may be the right choice for you.


So which resolution is better for your monitor? We hope this article will help you figure it out. To sum it up, 1080p offers good image quality that's widely supported and cost-effective, making it the preferred choice for most people. But if you crave a more immersive gaming experience and are ready to spend the extra buck, 4k is the way to go.


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